34 1/2

At 34 weeks baby is the size of a cantaloupe, and at 35...a honeydew. Introducing my belly, 34 1/2 weeks, holding a baby the size of...a cantadew? Honeyloupe? It should be about 5 lbs now, which is more than I was at the time I was born. And we both still have about 5 weeks of growing to do! Oh geeze.

Some sort of melon-licious

And just in case you've forgotten that I haven't always been pregnant, here's a photo of me at 7 weeks.

Who is this person?

Really...was I ever that small?? Oh the days of being able to put on socks without doing some major stretching first. Of sleeping flat on my stomach. Of feeling so excited and inflated with love and not being able to tell anyone! It was around week 7 that I went in and had an ultrasound to determine if I had a kidney stone in there along with a baby. That was the first time we met, little baby. You were just a little blinking light of a heartbeat on the screen then. A little flickering Tinkerbell. And it felt so magical.

And now, now you are a melon. With a butt I can see as it rolls around trying to get comfortable, and legs that like to dance on my rib cage, and a throat that constricts in rhythmic bursts of hiccups every now and then.

See you soon little one! Love, Mommy & Daddy


  1. Welcome to the last month of pregnancy, where it feels like F-O-R-E-V-E-R, really you can't seem to remember a time of not being large and cumbersome with a game of tetherball being played inside your belly and you also can't envision a time where you will not be large and cumbersome with a game of tetherball being played inside your belly...it's quite a conundrum. But rest assured maternity is not eternity, and when you meet this new little person, you won't be able to envision a time that they were not part of your life:)

  2. This post is SO cute! Love the creative photos!


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