Pumped Up Kicks

Three words for you: Foster the People.

Toff and I went to what will probably be our last pre-baby live music experience (although Baby West seemed to enjoy it and danced along the whole time!) at the Gov last night. We say Foster the People out of LA, and their on-stage energy was just so phenomenal they put on an astounding show. One of those shows where you wonder why you even bother with mediocre music at all. So if these guys are touring anywhere near you soon....go see them. It will be worth it, promise! And they only released their first album a few weeks ago, so I'm looking forward to hearing more from them in the future. I tried to get a photo for you, but they all turned out blurry (except for the one of half of my & Toff's faces which left us seeing spots for a minute or so...)

Instead, enjoy this photo of Toff's latest cooking adventure:

Homemade english muffins!

Now, maybe it's just me...but did you know that you can MAKE english muffins??? AND that it's super easy? For some reason this is just one of those things that I never actually thought you could make yourself? But these babies are so delicious! (And did you know they're not actually baked, just pan fried? Cool!) We also tried "homemade bagels round #2," but sadly (tragically & inexplicably...) they didn't turn out at all. Sadness. And we can't even figure out what we did differently from last time when they turned out so well. Perplexing.

Speaking of baking...the building we hope will be the future home of our bakery is going to auction this Saturday. Which means...by then we should know if this dream of ours is going to come to fruition or not. Gah! That's slightly nerve-racking. But also more than a little exciting. At this point in time, if it doesn't work out, I have no idea what we will do. We've both become so attached to this business proposal and the subsequent lifestyle it means for us that if it falls through...surely it will be too boring just to go back to normal jobs. So I hope we get it (keep your fingers crossed for us)!

Kiki countdown: 16 days.


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