33 weeks

...which leaves us with only 7 weeks, and plenty of time to grow, left! Also: due dates are, at best, only guesses even by the most skilled doctor. So, we're expecting this kid anywhere between 5-8 1/2 more weeks.

Hang in there little tattoo! You've done so well this far!

And if you could zoom in to the left side of the photo more, you would see all 4 pillows on my side of the bed (and 2 on Toff's, who has taken to sleeping with a pillow between his legs like me to relieve pressure from his hips..."are you pregnant too?" I asked, "yup," he sighed, before falling to sleep). He, however, does not need the other pillows, including a large one stolen from the couches, so he can sleep partially elevated to try to relieve some of his heartburn. You would also see tums on my bedside table for the same purpose, two different types of cocoa butter belly cream, a half finished cup of tea (I have no idea why, but I seem to be incapable of finishing an entire cup - it doesn't matter the size of the mug, chances are I'll decide I'm done with it about 2/3rds of the way through), and a birthday card from Jen last year that says "hope it's a bare-feet-in-the-grass, sun-on-your-shoulders kind of day!" Which is basically how I hope every day will be. And on the floor there is also Bill Bryson's "A Walk in the Woods," which I am currently reading to Baby and Toff ...and chances are Baby hears more of it than Toff, who typically falls asleep within half a page. While baby, on the other hand, takes the opportunity of me being reclined to start his/her evening aerobics routine, with moves including, but not limited to, the "foot just under your ribcage" leg stretch, the "here's one for the kidneys" arm curls, and, my personal favorite, the "put a little boogie in it" butt wiggle.

And now, a poll: any guesses on little Baby Wests gender? C'mon...you know you want to :-)

Oh! And apparently I cannot count, because our KIKI COUNT is 14 today...which means that just yesterday when I said 16...I was wrong.


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