In The Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness is:

  • a freshly mown lawn. Both in the resulting look & smell, and the actual act which is oh so satisfying - making the messy neat again. Sigh of contentment.
  • A rainy day spent with a book and a dog curled up at your feet:

Tully-Dog, our House Guest for the week!
  • The sun coming out again, and releasing energy by walking down to the beach. You say it's for the dog, but really, there is something soul-healing about a dog chasing waves on the beach as the sun begins to sink.
  • Toff practicing his "dad" jokes, like this one he put over an outlet that is broken in our kitchen:

Note: one week later and he still hasn't fixed it! I think he wants us all to appreciate his wittiness as long as possible.

  • Realizing we leave for the states in 1 month and 2 days! Also: making a list of foods and restaurants to enjoy while in the States!
Happy Pursuing!


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