Now in Motion

Hello folks! I'm happy to report that I am officially a completely mobile person again :-) hooray! I have proven my ability to arrive safely at each of the following locations in a variety of manual automobiles: work (also a bar!), the beer store, and the mall. And the beach is within walking distance, so I'm all set there. What more does a girl need to be happy??? Speaking of being happy - I don't think I can express the pure delight I felt when I pulled into that mall parking lot in Van Morrison all by myself. I wanted to tell everyone I met that "hey! I DROVE here! Yeah! All on my own! How AWESOME is THAT??" However...I refrained and instead just smiled at everyone, hoping they caught some of the happiness I was radiating.

Also in happy news, I finished the book I was reading, Eat Pray Love. And I must say, if you have not read this book you really really should. The second I finished it I wanted to start reading it again. I've done well with finding new favorite books lately. I also highly recommend The Time Traveller's Wife which I liked for all of the curiously real details the author included. Oddly enough, I have just noticed that both of those books are being made into go read the books before they come out on film people! In the movie adaptation of EPL Julia Roberts is playing the author, Liz Gilbert. Can you imagine??? "Yeah, the book I wrote about my life is being made into a movie, and Julia Roberts is playing me." How surreal must that feel for her?

All right...I know this was a brief and somewhat scatterbrained post...but I've got to head into work now. until next time!
Peace & Love


  1. yay congrats! and I haven't read either of those books so I better get crackin.


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