Where is your accent from?

Nationalities people have asked me if "my accent" belongs to:

  • Ireland

  • Canada

  • US

  • Finland (or "somewhere scandanavian")

  • Denmark

  • New York

I get Ireland a lot actually - including from one person who was actually from there herself - and Finland almost as frequently. Interstingly enough, they always ask where "your accent is from" not "where YOU are from." It's as if my accent and I could be from destinations opposite each other. Curious.

In other news (in case you were worried) Toff and I survived our 2nd driving lesson. It did, however, end much in the same way the last one did. In that Toff offered what was undoubtedly sound advice, but since he had already mentioned it 5 times I got frustrated and became gloomy and sullen. But I still think I'm improving slowly :)

And, in even more exciting news - we spent the first night in our van! Now christened "Van Morrison." I still think of it as a her though, so I think her full name will be Miss Van Morrison. teehee. Anyhoo, we drove down to Middleton (a beach town 40 min down the coast) to visit Toff's Aunt Karen and Uncle Stu (who is Jen's brother) because they rented a house on the beach for the long weekend here, which is kinda like the Australian Labor Day. I had to work the next day at 12, so we just went and watched The Bucket List with them, slept in Morrison, then Toff & Stu went for a surf the next morning:

Where the paparazzi was waiting to jump out from behind the car when they returned :)

Speaking of work! It's time for me to head off for another day at the Victory Hotel woot woot!

Love to all!



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