Caras Cure for Writers Block: Dose 1.

Hi!  How are you?  I feel like I haven't seen you in forEVer!  Well, I suppose that is because I haven't.  And it is totally my fault.

You see, I got busy.  And then I couldn't figure out what to write.  And then, the less I wrote, the less I knew what to write.  It happens.  To me.  It's like self-induced writers block where the only cause is not writing, and the only cure is writing more.  But the task just looks too big, and then it gets bigger, and bigger....

But here's the thing, I miss you!  And there is so much in my life I want to share with you right now!  The bakery is going off like it's the best thing since, well....sliced bread.  And we are excited beyond belief that our little dream is flying so well.  Trip is rolling.  And cries when I don't share my food with him.  And yesterday Toff got him to drink water out of a regular water bottle (okay, so most of it ended up running down his stomach in little rivers, but we did here a few swallows!) which is totally unnecessary, but potentially the cutest thing ever.

So here is my self-prescribed cure for writers block.  I have set up a group of videos to share (3!) which are a) awesome, and b) meant to get me back in the swing of things.  Hopefully, by the time I've posted the third one, I will be cured, and able to write to you all again.

Here's a video.

You're welcome.


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