11 Tips for Enjoying Your Juice Cleanse

 So you want to try a juice cleanse?

Well, grab your water bottle and let's go .....wait, let's go a little slower, please!

1. Drink Water. Drinking that much liquid makes you feel like you don't have to drink water -right? Nuh-uh!! The juice takes the place of the food in your diet, but you still need water to function! You should be drinking as much water as you do normally, if not more.

Use this formula to discover how much water your body needs:

Water Intake = Your Weight (in kgs) x 0.033

example: 2 liters = 60kgs x 0.033 

2. Do it with a buddy! It's so much easier to make it through the whole three days if you have someone going through it with you cheering you on (and for you to cheer on in return!)

3. Rest. Leave space in your day to rest. Go to bed early. Don't tempt yourself to stay up and snack! You are taking this time out to recharge - so take it! 

3. ...But keep yourself busy. Sitting in a house near your kitchen isn't the kindest thing you can do for yourself. Give yourself small (really small!) projects to complete around the house! Ideas: washing all the towels, sorting through your underwear or sock drawer, weeding a small patch in your garden! 

4. Fresh air helps. In the afternoon when your energy flags, go for a beach walk! Put your bare feet outside in the grass. Take in big lungfuls of fresh air. Feel the breeze on your face. 

5. Gotta go? Make sure there is a toilet near by! Especially on day one when your body is still moving all the food you ate yesterday through it! After that be ready for frequent urination.

6. Got Kids? Make their meals easy! If they are old enough, have them make their own dinner (let them have cereal! They'll love it!) Or make their food ahead of time so they can eat leftovers - only because the drawn out process of being near food for the length of time it takes to cook it may be unbearable! And don't make a curry or something that will send delicious smells through the house and make you salivate and your tummy rumble! 

7. Put social gatherings on hold. Most of our social gatherings are centred around food and drink! Unless you can be certain the gathering won't drain your energy, or make it impossible for you to say no - just don't go!

8. Buy your juices. Not having to take time to prep our juices was a saviour! Plus gives you access to cold press juice which holds much more nutrients than a regular juicer. Here's where I bought my juices from.  Making your own? Make them ahead of time!

9. Cut the caffeine habit first. If you don't, be prepared for extreme headaches, and an inability to get off the couch! Of course - if you're going to be uncomfortable maybe it's worth doing it all at once, hey?! But caffeine withdrawal was the most painful part for me. 

10. Ready to start eating again? Enjoy it! Savour everything you eat. Take the chance to slow down, and enjoy the foods that you choose to nourish your body with. Take small bites, chew them well (this will also help your digestion!)

11. Be kind to yourself! The only reason this feels hard is because it is hard! Do whatever you can do make these three days easy for you.

Above all else - go you good thing! 

The research on whether a juice cleanse is beneficial for us or not is totally mixed. But I say, whatever it is that you consciously choose to do in order to nourish your body is going to be good! Don't be afraid to try new things. As long as you are in good health (consult your doctor or a naturopath who you see regularly if you are unsure!) then three days of a restricted diet will be fine. 


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