The end ...or the beginning.

What I've been up to:
getting married. having a fantasmic time. (really. the best of all best times ever.) driving people to the air port. saying goodbye to said people at said airport. finding 5 different notes of love throughout the house from our wonderful housemates after saying goodbye to them at the airport. sleeping (14 hours in one night! this wedding thing had us beat.) making a mess of the house in the process of cleaning the house. getting smacked in the side of the face with a kiss (so Toff just walked in the door, and said that, but I thought he said I got smacked in the side of the face with the keys ....quite confusing really). practice packing for our 4 month honeymoon (and even though my pack is only 1/2 full mean old Toff won't let me bring anything else....pooper head). officially starting our 'travel budget' (i bought the $2 toothbrushes instead of the $6 ones). trying to catch up one last time with friends before we go. trying not to be overwhelmed with everything left to do before we go. being in love.

Goodbye for now friends! I will soon be seen on a continent near you!!! (unless you are in antarctica, africa, or south america).

I think I have to say it at least once: this being married thing so far is quite to my liking.
Life is good .... quite good.

Cara Arielle West


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