Just A Few Facts About My Sister

So ever since Kiki's "An Ode de Cara" post, I've been finding myself thinking about her and then thinking "THAT would be a good fact to share." So here goes, my collection of little stories about everyone's favorite Kiki.

We ran away once. It's true. I think we were about 9 years old, and I poked my head out of my window and saw Kiki kickin' it off down the drive way with her blankie bulging with stuff thrown over her shoulder, like the worlds cutest Hobo. So I asked what she was doing, and then asked if I could come too. Next thing you know we're strolling along N Baker St, running away for sure. We only made it about 5 houses down the block though, where we camped out for maaaybe an hour with the stuffed animals and Beatrix Potter books we brought under the dog wood tree in a really mean ladies yard. And then decided that we had surely made our point, and that someone surely would have missed us. But we got home, and no one seemed to have noticed we had gone. Drat. And the funny part is, I think Kiki was running away because she got yelled at for something I had done...so really she should have been angry with me. But my little Kiki still let me tag along on her running away adventure.

While I do stink at folding clothes (it's true, I just can't frickin do it any better!) here's something Kiki stinks at: sharing cereal. This drove me absolutely crazy when we were little. I would have cereal every day or breakfast (except sundays, which was when I made pancakes) regardless of what type of cereal was. Kiki, however, would only eat cereal on the days she liked what type it was. So I could be stuck for 3 weeks eating the same jumbo box of rice crispies, and then we would get a box of honey nut cheerios, and the thing would be gone in 2 days! Because Kiki, you see, doesn't just eat cereal for breakfast, when she likes it, she'll eat it for every meal of the day. Thanks beaky.

Ok, one more. Remember in the 5th grade when I heard the world 'diplomat' somewhere, and decided it was going to be Kiki's new nickname? The only problem was...she haaaaated it. No idea why, but she did. None of us actually made the effort to figure out what the word actually meant, but I guess Kiki just decided it meant something bad. Who would have known all those years of torture, and the whole time I was actually calling her something good! Oops.

That's all I've got for now, but maybe as I think of more I'll post them here :-)
Also, it is officially 45 days until I pick you up from the air port! Love you Kiki, see you soon!!!


  1. I cheese sandwich you, Bean. I'm going to see you soooo soon. Find a good tree for us to runaway to :)


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