Happy Healthy Sexy

Thirteen Days to Claim Your Irresistible Life 

Monday 14 March to Saturday 25 March

more fun

less stress

and the best sex! 


The Happy Healthy Sexy Woman has found what makes her life work - and more than that, how to have fun and feel vibrant at the same time!

She has endless energy for herself, her children, and her partner. 

She has figured out how to manage all of the mundane tasks in her life so that they all get done effortlessly. She knows the value of taking time to herself, and nourishes that spark inside her.

She finds joy in the everyday moments with her kids. 

She knows that everyone in her family gets their energy from her! When she's angry, everyone seems to get upset over the smallest things. When she's stressed, the whole family seems to fall apart so, so easily. When she's warm and open and filled with joy, the whole atmosphere in the house feels light!! Little arguments dissolve quickly, lost-shoes get found easier, and everyone even helps each other out!! 

And after all these years, all the ups and downs (literally) that her body has been through, she still feels a passion for her partner that can catch her feeling like an in-love teenager! She loves herself unconditionally, and knows just how much pleasure her body holds. Finding time to make love with her partner is easy - she does it for herself, sharing her love and her body this way brings her to a deeper level of joy and of understanding herself!


I know you're busy, darling.

I know that you are often totally buried in tasks and to-do lists.

And on all of those lists, you often come in dead last.  

It's okay if you're busy.
It's okay if you are stressed. 

But you!! 
Your life still gets to feel good. 

It's time to find what works for you.
How to feel alive.

How to not ever have to reply just with "I'm busy" or "I'm tired" when someone asks how you are. Let's switch it out for "I am so good I pinch myself daily," or "I'm just so grateful for this life, I know where I want to go and how to get there. I delight in every small moment of my day."

Your life gets to feel good. 
Even while you grow.

Your sexuality holds the key. 


Over 13 days we will:
- recreate everything we know about feeling happy, healthy, and sexy so that we have own own personal definition that works for us!
- learn what our emotions are really trying to tell us, and how to listen 
- discover how to communicate our emotions to our partner so they stop thinking we're "just crazy"
- learn a super easy way to create new habits in life!
- learn how to limit stress and how to bring past stress cycles to completion
- start getting in touch with our bodies and meet our own sexuality 

Week One:  HAPPY
Define what it means for You to be truly happy. 

There is no normal, and we will work together to uncover what true happiness looks like for you!

As happiness is a feeling, we dive into feeling all of our feelings and building our emotional intelligence! In order to feel truly happy, you have to be willing and able to feel everything. No more numbing - you won't have to!! When we can listen to our body and what it's telling us the wisdom it holds is unfathomable, and will become our greatest teacher.  

We learn how to release our feelings, and what our feelings are guiding us towards. 


We dive into being totally HEALTHY in our mind, body, & soul.
There is no normal, and we will work together to uncover what total health looks like for you!
One of the biggest impacts to our total health these days is our levels of stress! And we have so much control over it!! But the time has come to stop just muscling our way through creating lasting change in our lives - it is time to FEEL GOOD, even while we grow. Using BJ Fogg's theory of human behaviour we study the individual stressors in our lives and start to clear them - easily! 

This isn't a food course, or an exercise course. We're looking at the other impacts to our health, and how we can control them!! 

Week Three: SEXY

We go all in and discover what it means for us to be SEXY!
There is no normal, and we will work together to uncover what total health looks like for you!

Feminine sexuality is different from masculine sexuality. And it is something that we don't talk about nearly enough!! Come talk about sex with me. We will keep our chat light and positive and feel good!! We'll study our own unique sense of feeling sexy, and learn some ways women differ from men (keeping in mind that everyone is different of course!!) Once you know what you want - the next step is asking for what we want! Because unless we ask for something - whether it's from the universe or our own partners - we will not get it. 

In Happy Healthy Sexy, we cover practical tips, build them into your life with ease, and also uncover the magic of what happens when a gorgeous group of women dive into creating something together! 

A little bit grounded in logic, and little bit immersed in magic. 
The perfect blend of it all!

Join Now! 
for the thirteen day program
10 live videos presented in a Facebook group, catch them live or watch them later!
2 live zoom sessions

or upgrade to VIP!
includes everything above 
PLUS 2 x 1:1 sessions with me to deeply integrate everything you are learning!!!
PLUS access to all future rounds of Happy Healthy Sexy!


  xox Cara West 🍉


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