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a 12 part story of growth  Part One.  At the beginning of this year I started working towards a certificate in Love, Sex, and Relationship coaching with Layla Martin in a program she created called VITA (the vital and integrated tantric approach - it’s not a tantric path, but it does use principles of tantra to remove blocks that freeze us. It’s a beautiful path, one of absolute acceptance, embracing the edges and the edginess, and one that resonated with me instantly. It had me saying YES THIS SOUNDS GOOD TO ME from day one!) And in one of our very first lectures (I don’t even remember what the topic was!), I heard a sentence that sent me into tears for days.  One sentence shook my sense of self so much that I absolutely fell into a hole.  I am currently continents away from my journal, so I can’t quote this directly, but the sentence went something like:  ‘Is it your personality, or is it a trauma response?’ All of us have parts of our personalit...

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